IUCN’s Global Species Action Plan launched with online toolkit

IUCN has just launched its Global Species Action Plan (GSAP). The GSAP was developed to support implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) by setting out the key strategic interventions and actions required to achieve successful outcomes for the conservation and sustainable use of species for each of the GBF Targets. The GSAP also highlights technical tools and resources available to implement these identified actions (please see more details in the GSAP table in the document).  The GSAP is a particularly useful resource and guide for CBD Parties and stakeholders to update and implement their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).

Access the Global Species Action Plan in 5 languages.

IUCN Members can make use of this document to implement the GBF and NBSAPs at the national and local level. IUCN stands ready to support members to take actions for species.

The GSAP will be a useful tool for IUCN  CBD Technical Support Centres to use to work with assigned CBD Parties to support their NBSAP update and implementation.

An interactive GSAP online toolkit is also available here through the GSAP SKILLS Online Knowledge Platform for real-time updates as new resources, tools and solutions and case studies for GSAP suggested conservation actions become available.

Please check out Home – GSAP SKILLS Online Knowledge Platform to learn more about species action and the GBF Targets.

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